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Search result: self-portrait

MAX BECKMANN. Self-portrait in the Hotel. A picture-review by Gottfried Helnwein

In our film clip from the Albertina Museum in Vienna artist Gottfried Helnwein reviews Max Beckmann's work "Self-Portrait in a Hotel".


Starting with 21 self-portraits by Egon Schiele the current Albertina Modern exhibition "Schiele and his Legacy" asks for the impact of Schiele's oeuvre on contemporary art. Curated by Elisabeth Dutz we will find aspects of Schiele's art in the work of Arnulf Rainer and the Vienna Actionism as well as in the drawings of Maria Lassnig or artworks of Baselitz, Sherman and many more.

FRANCESCO CLEMENTE. From the Albertina museum in Vienna.

Italian-American artist Francesco Clemente's dramatic imagery is unsettling, ambiguous, grotesque, and erotic. An exhibition portrait with the artist from the Albertina Museum in Vienna.


Loneliness is a phenomenon of our time, as individualization and the demands of a modern lifestyle drive us further and further apart. In our latest CastYourArt film feature from the Albertina Modern Yoshitomo Nara tells us what loneliness as an artistic driving force is all about.

BARBARA MOURA. I sing the body electric

Her paintings take us on an exploration of the psychological depths of the soul, embodied in almost life-size (self-)portraits. Take the opportunity to get to know the artist better as we produced a film portrait on the occasion of her exhibition "I sing the body electric" at C.A. Contemporary.

Egon Schiele - Selfportrait with Peacock Waistcoat

In his short but intensive creative life, Egon Schiele repeatedly focused on the human figure as his central subject. He did not only question roles and displays of lifestyles, he also used to assign roles in his pictures.

Egon Schiele - Between Modernism and Tradition

Egon Schiele’s preferred way of expression was drawing with its immediacy. In his short, 10 year-long career, he produced about 3000 of them. His paintings

Jim Dine - A Serious Man

Twins, even when they look identical, are always distinguished and recognized as two different persons, even if sometimes confounded because of their perceived alikeness.

Jim Dine - I Never Look Away

For Jim Dine - who we interviewed at his current exhibition at Albertina Museum in Vienne - the self-portrait is a meditation about the way an artist recognizes

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Audio and video productions as all-inclusive service

Our passion for art and our years of experience in the field of audio and video production enable us to produce complex content in a straightforward, authentic and aesthetically sophisticated way. Our approach stands out by its high committment, flexibility and efficiency.

The CastYourArt full-service offer for artists, galleries, museums, exhibition centers and other players in the art sector includes project development, an experienced storytelling resulting in an credible style, film production and post-production and formats ready to be embeded in various internet media or to be used offline.

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