With an extraordinary sensitivity to the human figure and its surroundings, Gabrielle Kourdadzé creates works that are both familiar and enigmatic. Her artistic process begins with spontaneous snapshots of everyday life—images of people on the subway, on the street, in quiet or dynamic poses. But her art goes far beyond mere observation: her works are shaped by questions of identity, human connection, and the tension between closeness and distance.
Particularly fascinating is her technique of layering figures from different contexts. Through these compositions, new meanings emerge—a visual interplay of relationships, encounters, and isolation. For Kourdadzé, the human figure is a central motif, yet never as a classic portrait, but rather as a fragment of a larger, invisible story. The bodies in her paintings often contrast with monochrome, almost empty backgrounds. However, this emptiness is by no means accidental or neutral; rather, it is a deliberately crafted silence that envelops her figures and gives them a new presence.
The film impressively showcases how Kourdadzé works with various media—from ink and acrylic to oil—developing her own unique visual language. Her brushstrokes are not just lines on canvas but traces of an intense engagement with form, color, and materiality. The choice of colors and the way she connects figures with backgrounds create a distinctive tension: the figures seem embedded in the space yet detached from it, as if they exist between two worlds.
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Kourdadzé’s work is a profound exploration of human existence. How do we interact with our environment? What relationships do we have with others? Where do the boundaries between self and the outside world lie? The film gives Kourdadzé the opportunity to speak for herself, providing direct access to her thoughts, inspirations, and challenges as an artist.
For those interested in painting, urban aesthetics, and the subtle nuances of human relationships, this film is not only inspiring but also thought-provoking. Gabrielle Kourdadzé’s art is an invitation to see the world through different eyes. könnte Sie auch interessieren

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