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Constantin Luser - From Inside of Time

Category: Exhibition, Artwork 14. October 2015

Expanding from his enormous output of drawings, Constantin Luser has developed his ideas into the third dimension with his „spatial drawings“, made of wire and brass. In H(ofstätter)-Series - his new project - Constantin Luser combines his work spatial drawings with pieces of the Hofstätter collection.

Luser has always created out of complexity. It is a complexity that has, on a formal level, generated intricate constructions with intrinsic transformative dynamics, never offering themselves to the viewer in a clear and ostensible way, but always as a transition. For engaging with this art, one has to be willing to experiment. However, even with this readiness there is always a risk to experience mental and physical feelings of helplessness as the lecture of his propositions remains precarious, erratic, and unsettling. This resistance is not a quality that the artist is particularly keen on – it is the result of a mindset implying an earnest commitment. Presented to us are speculative devices that appeal to the most sophisticated rationality, as well as to pure experience of the senses.

Luser’s work feeds from literature, poetry, science and philosophy, developing technical resources that can be complicated or rudimentary, or both at the same time. Image, sound, and subtext form an intricate and dense texture of meaning. With geometry as a tool, he forms linear structures referring to emptiness as an important element and in constant interaction with volume.  In his poetical, sculptural logic he seeks a spatial dramatic effect by investigating the perception of time and materialising it – as a sensory experience of duration and perpetuity, the time of waiting or of action, of the passing hours’ curious elasticity, of the compressed or of the wasted time, unrelentingly looming on the dial of the clock. (written by Cem Angeli)

Hofstätter Projekte |
Constantin Luser |

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